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Frequently Asked Questions of Why Region Adventures is your best Local Directory serving Alabama residents
- the cost of $75 goes to
- Our affiliates
- Running the servers
- Paying developers
- Paying for ads to advertise the directory
- Everything else goes to Valpo Shelter our homeless directory project that helps men, women, and families get the help they need.
- the cost is also for lifetime. Your business will stay listed and there is no annual charges to your business.
- to make sure that every business added is a valid business and we avoid being spam.
- we are building a service that will give a solid backlink to help your businesses search engine optimization (SEO) by providing good weblinks.
- giving you unlimited access to post your information, unlimited numbers, links, and more.
Yes, we absolutely do. Contact to go over how many businesses you will be adding.
You receive unlimited updates as you will have a login and the ability to maintain and control everything about your business.
- Available only to paying members.
- We use a portion to also advertise you on our social pages through any paid ads we run.
- We utilize the latest schema information to get your website found.
- We index every member of the site and every change you make to your page automatically for you.
- We provide follow links so that you get the best SEO possible to improve your business success.
You just need to email with your changes and we'll work on them. Upon completion we will email you back of what changes were done.
- Your logo showing
- Priority movement to the top (still in alphabetical order)
- Ability to purchase banner ads on the site
- Ability to edit your information yourself, or contact us to do so.
The benefits for joining the Region Adventures directory are:
- The money we gain from the site goes to:
- 10% of all we make goes to our Valpo Shelter project to help men, women, and families in need.
- We advertise your business bringing more brand awareness.
- Highly targeted to the area your business is serving.
No. You could use us as your only advertising source. Of course, the benefits of the Region Adventures directory is you will gain SEO backlinks and improve your local search engine rankings it's not a requirement and many businesses we have do not have a website.
In many instances advertising is deductible. You will need to talk to your accountant/bookkeeper to verify that you can deduct. In most situations we have found that this online marketing is deductible.
Let's Get Started, Today!
When you're ready to grow your business or see how we can help you grow your business, we are here and ready for you. Our focus and success are based on your success using the tools we have created to help you.
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